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Thursday, May 24, 2007

money on the web promises


money on the web,what really is all about!

What happens today in world wide web is unrepeatable and without proportional historical precedent! For the first time in modern society a big part of human activities has passed from the usual space where these took place, in the virtual space of web.Millions of computers around the planet are connected each other in a vast network ensuring an unprecedent total communication that ignores borders, geographic even cultural barriers a communication that already has begun to become autonomous from their classic forms and to receive new dimensions. This precisely autonomy includes also the bigger dangers and this is not something abstract, has tangible and daily form. I am pointing out to the dangers that faces a naive user of the internet ,the one who falls gullibly victim of promises that is shared on the web with very attractive mode. I am talking for all those promises that are targeting in an audience which bellives in the easy enrichment and easy acquisition of money. I am talking about something that is allready widespread in the european union and even more in north america This article could had the title " usermate on the web". Actually however what I wanted is to share with you my experience. What means the concept money on the web,even better defined: becoming millionare on the web. Whatever is the nature of communication in the web,the truth is that except live chatting, (either with the use of webcam or not) almost all other forms of communication is completely mediated. I dare to say that in the most of the cases is not even communication!What means this statement? Simply expresed that the answers we get are written in advance and directed to us depending on the way we made our registration on a site! or through an answer via our electronic mail. Let us take the story from the beginning.The internet is based on computers and the technology of computers is a priori an anthropomorphic(simmilar to man) technology You shoud retain this term since uppon this quality we can find the possibility of many persons and (no doubt)corporations to make huge amound of money from the web, rendering it the golden stone of our times Substantially the internet represents one enormous mediatory mechanism who stands geographically in the middle of a space where at one end stands the one who provides while on the other end the one accepts , consumes or buys. Between the one who provides the information and in the one who consumes, between the one who provides the service and in the one who receives it, between the one who sells a product and his potential purchaser.In order to be fair we should make clear that the internet provides two only things:information and services. The real nature of this medium renders incompetent any other activity. Lets bring an example:the text of a web page represents not a real text in a materialistic sence but purely a virtual substitute of it in the form of a hyper-text.It takes its real form only when we print it out in a-real-piece of paper. What therefore is is said that the medium is the message finds here its perfect application, that is to say qualitative characteristic of a medium determines the quality of a message, in the ideal case they converged into one and the same think. Medium and message are identical between them. internet and communication constitute one and the same thing. Now lets talk about something more precise.This could be the interaction between a computerised system and the user themselves. What we call user friendly interface in a programm or an operational system creates also a similar cognitive prosses that we have at their handling, that we communicate with somebody that guides us each time when we make some kind of error.E.g the windows messages which are presented in the screen of a computer every time a program or application runs accintentally is nothing else but texts have been writen beforehand from the programmers of an operational system and covers all the spectrum of possible troublshootings.These messages are presented to us precisely the suitable moment giving the impression that the system is conceived what happens and gives us guidence and instructions as to what we should do in the next step . Something proportional happens with the answers which we accept via e-mail when we make registration in a site. our electronic post begins then to accept messages that welcomes us in this specific site. If we asked some kind of information they ensure us that we will receive an answer as soon as possible . If we asked some kind of information , they ensure us ,that we will get an answer as soon as posible. If we asked buying a product through the internet they ask us to confirm our choice etc.In all of the cases,we are talking about texts that have been written beforehand and that is addressed to us based on our choices,choises that have also been determined beforehand from the creator of a site. It is important to comprehend that upon this mechanism support themselves enormous commercial enterprises on the web, as it is ebay or amazon.com, with turnover from millions of Euros. the ability of these enterprises to answer personally in each member who constitutes also a potential customer would be exceptionally limited except in the case they occupied hundreds of individuals as personnel. Real interpersonal communication is very rare and only in cases when there is no other way. In the case of e-bay.com for example a turning away of a non reliable customer,takes place automatically from the system in the form of also beforehand written messages that informs the customer for the reasons that they have been excluded his attendance in future auctions, eg (repeated) lack of transfer for the purchase of a product, (repeated)false banking account etc. But how this becomes available?With the use of so called autoresponders or machine genereting messaging. It is not nothing else but a special software that is incorporated in each professional site and that attends automatically for the promotion of suitable texts to the e-mail of a user.Moreover the electronic post constitutes substantially the identity of a user in the web, It is in fact the simulation of a private space of each individual in the cyberspace.We say this because the opening of an e-mail account , which is ensured usually, free of charge from big service providers of the web(Google, Microsoft) requires registration of the user as it is date of birth, telephone and the place of residence. Except therefore from the non frequent exception where somebody has registered false personall data, something that that happens seldom and only when somebody has aim to proceed in some form of illegal activity in the web an e-mail account corresponds always in a real individual, and accordingly in a potential consumer. Do not forget that we are discussing the issue money and the web This it is therefore the real reason that registration procces has become so much popular in all sorts of web pages it Is the fishing of all kinds of personal data and mainly the e-mail address The real reason that all sorts of offers are accompanied by the obligation of a user to register their e-mail Then this same e-mail addres will become the target of any kind of advertising. We owe here to admit that not any advertising message could be dispatched into any electronic address, if has not been ensured in advance the consentus of a user.Those messages that can do this is known as spamm-mails and are considered malicious. indeed there is a lot of ways to detect this kind of e-mails and to refuse acces to your mail account. There is however the well known news-letters.In this kind of subscription the user is called to choose the kind of information that they wish to participate with the form of a subscription This takes place usually to the end of a registration process Many times however the small radio buttons that are used to choose the content of a newsletter is checked from earlier .Thus when a registration is completed in order lets say for a user to download a trial version that interests him ,he can find themselves subscribed in a newsletters, the content of which are in a great degree purelyadvertising This is only one side,the legal one, .There is allthow an illicit one This that takes place in so called freelance sites, an official form of teleworking.There are individuals that ask others, usually programmers, on-demant software that could detect all kinds of e-mail directories in the web, and assemble them in the form of a data base! I mentioned before to the filling which is created from the part of a user that they interact with someone or something who presents a willignes to hellp and that this interaction is at some way prefabricated and its main aim is to convince a user to purchase a product or service. This mechanism is not limits itsself only in the auto generating messages. Mainly one professional site is thus made IN SUCH A WAY that it promotes attention, interest and desire on the part of a user to aquire a product or servise and particularly with this exactly sequence! More information on this subject you can find HERE! last one that remains is the users action which naturally consists in the purchase of product or service this site provides. But how we will experience a desire for something without getting taste it? Naturally by tasting it. Except in the case of real products in a materialistic sense in which case web cannot immediately offers in, anything other can be provided under free of charge up to the point a desire becomes addiction from the part of the user and finally prompt them to buy the product or service anyway. What is provided as free of charge is usually a part of a product or service or the entire product but with time restrictions Finally what really provided free of charge is the fact that someone gets used to something and the probability he or she finally will eventually proceeds in purchase this product or service. Thus in the first case, as it is where material objects are engaged, the role of the web on promoting a product is simmilar of television or magazine i.epresenting a product in an attractive way(through photos etc) In all other cases however the product on sale can litteraly consumed by the user before it is even bought.Numerral examples can be exemplyfied: e-mail services, datingservices, chatting, software, programs, moovies( you only see a traler), musical files and a lot of other product or services. take the example of a program called `'PDFtoWORD''.This is a simple program able to transform PDF files into WORD FILES. For those who dont know PDF files are files of text and graphics that are not suseptible on intervention from the part of a user. In case someone wants to intervenes in such a file in any way, (e.g to print out part of a text etc) first he should unlock at some way this particular text and then change into other form of text file This can be ensured with this exact software however when someone uses the trial version they realise by surprise that the programm is able to transform only five pages of each file and in particular only the first five pages.That is to say if someone wants to transform PDF File into text from the midle or an end part of a document this is rendered impossible .Now,if a user really wants the job to be done they will force themselves to buy the porogram and of course the ability of using it without any restriction What experienced as a restriction the user of a software can also experience the same way the user of a dating web page as member of a dating site he can realise that when he tries to send a message in responce to another persons message that the system has indicated that he or she has shown interest for himself or herself they will realise that this is impossible. The system then,that is to say prefabricated messages,will inform him that in order to fully participate in this service must become himself a fool member in plain words he must first pay a fee! In order to enjoy all the remaining privileges he should become complete member , something that requires a minimal monthly subscription! Of course in the area of web activities as in every other form of human activity there exist competition.Thus if somewhere a service is provided on fee while somewhere else is provided free of charge the user is moved progressively toward where the corresponding service is provided free of charge.Indeed what renders a service or product to be a free or not is is determined by trends .According to the above an e-mail provider in the past used to be a paid service while today is free of charge American users of AOL possibly do not accept better services than users of GMAIL which are completely free of charge. It is very likely that the services of GMAIL are better precisely because they are free of charge! What does this means.First it attracted an enormous number of potencial users by adopting the method of providing free of charge a service which others up to then where providing on fee and then constantly covered losses assembling income from advertising which where proportional to the enormous number of users which gradually this service represented t All these users represends a potential advertisment consumer and any service provider would not left the occasion to pass without exploiting this fact after all,all those users are now in one place.the Google phenomenon however is an exception in web bussines, It only happens when there exist enough money to be invested without the need of direct damping, but also when somebody conceives in time the flow of technological developments before those become perceptible from (potencial)competetors.. However one remains a fact and this is the following statement: Every time the user is getting acustommed with a particular product or service,every time his interest to learn,to be informed to acquire something becomes a desire it is very likely that they will be confronted with the requirement of a system to pay for that service provided This can become of course with very polite way even with the promise of money back quarantee (refund) if as user does not remain satisfied with what is provided.This however does not counteracts the fact that still remains a requirement which is is formulated indeed masterfully in exactly the right moment. When the attention and the interest of user on something or somebody has become a desire! Pay attention on this statement It is something that slips from many. Allthough could mainly reveals the secret how can someone make money from the web.Remember how many times while surfing on the web you confronted with a strong temptation to use your credit card ,or to make use of your personnal banking account,remember even the cases you made it. Every time where you covered your real or fictitious need, someone else gained money! Every time you did it you made clear out there what is your real wishes, your needs, your consumption tastes .Please tell me honestly: are there bigger desire for anyone than to gain easily and without labour a lot of money. I think you have allrendy understand it. The secret for someone to gain easily money from the web is to convince OTHERS and to manage to sell to them the way,anyway,even the one which as a general principle i revealed to you right now, how they can earn money in an easy and fast way!

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